AI in recruitment

AI in recruitment: a great leap forward

In Recruitment Industry News by Info Hunton Lewis

Artificial intelligence (AI) has taken a great leap forward in 2023. The visibility of ChatGPT, alongside a host of increasingly sophisticated chatbots, has demonstrated AI’s capabilities in a dramatic and demonstrative way. However, the developers of ChatGPT, OpenAI, have called for greater regulation over the use of artificial intelligence. They have even cited the technology’s ‘existential risk’.

Those who work in recruitment may have been left feeling underwhelmed at these latest developments. Many skilled recruiters, experienced in talent acquisition and conducting hiring processes, may already be familiar with a variety of AI features. Applicant screening, targeted ads, specialist marketing tools and chatbots are all features of recruitment that have already adopted AI. Is this anything new, and if so, what impact can the development of AI have on the hiring process?


How AI is currently applied to recruitment

It’s estimated that 88% of businesses worldwide already use artificial intelligence tools in their recruitment searches. Chatbots are the most common application of AI in hiring processes. You may use chatbots already. This might be to interact with candidates in interview formats or help them to search for crucial information, like looking up information on company policies and benefits. 

Beyond chatbots, many companies use AI to process data. This may include data submitted by the candidate. It could also include data that is publicly available online to build a clearer picture of the candidate’s track record. This can take into account social media profiles, online CVs and previous employment information.

Candidate screening and assessment is the next most common use of AI during the hiring process. You can use algorithms to significantly narrow down a large talent pool by identifying key information about the candidate and matching them to the role requirements. AI can also help cut costs in screening. Storing essential data on applicants saves time and effort if your company wishes to revisit a potential candidate. Using AI tools in screening can reduce the cost of screening by up to 75%.

AI can assist recruiters in the nascent stages of a hiring process with targeted ads and marketing tools to draw out the best candidates in the first place. All of these techniques are rigorously used by companies around the world, which leads us to ask…


What is the future of AI in recruitment?

If artificial intelligence is already on the scene and actively assisting the recruitment process, where can it go next?

It’s likely that the next stage of AI in recruitment will be enhancing the functions that already exist. Recruiters will be able to use AI to sift through CVs and profiles with greater sophistication and speed than ever, able to locate even more specific attributes in mind for their ideal candidates. 

Applying AI to sourcing and screening, and overcoming human bias, is an interesting prospect. In eliminating bias and instead focusing on key attributes, you will ensure that the best person is hired for the role. It will also help your company meet valuable D&I targets. AI will also likely soon be more frequently used in conducting background and reference checks.

According to LinkedIn, 81% of candidates prefer employers to communicate throughout the recruitment process as it improves the candidate experience. AI can save human recruiters time and effort spent on some of the more mundane, repetitive communications involved in the process. Chatbots are also likely to become more advanced, providing an immediate level of responsiveness on a 24/7 basis for basic queries.

Current employees also stand to benefit from advances in artificial intelligence. Companies are planning to invest in AI to assist performance management and career planning. AI will be able to identify employees who are more likely to leave. Companies equipped with this in-depth information will be in a better position to retain employees. Any positive upswing in employee retention should also be considered when devising recruitment strategies. It may lead to more internal hiring opportunities and there is a selection of AI-powered internal mobility platforms that can support this.


Human after all 

The role of artificial intelligence in recruitment seems likely to develop. Currently the basic aspects of data entry, repetitive administration, marketing and screening are set to evolve to more advanced operations. AI will likely become a core part of the candidate experience, guaranteeing faster follow-ups and regular, 24/7 communication. AI screening tools will become more sophisticated, eliminating human bias and carrying out reference and background checks. Above all, it will save recruiters time and effort that could be better spent investing in tasks that require human input.

We mustn’t forget that recruitment and executive search is about people. There is an intangible human touch involved in every aspect of the hiring process that can tell a skilled recruiter if a candidate is a good fit for a company. Face-to-face interviews and meetings still make the best forum for assessing a candidate’s ‘soft skills’ It’s difficult to envision that AI can adequately replace the most essential human-to-human hallmarks of hiring, which is why for now it will remain a sophisticated and versatile tool at the recruiter’s disposal, one that can optimize talent searches when utilized effectively. There is a human touch at the heart of recruitment that still makes the difference in acquiring the best hires.

Jerome Soudet, Hunton Lewis / CSA France